If you have a dry throat, dry mouth, sticky saliva, or throat irritation, the following methods can help relieve your symptoms effectively.
1. Rest your voice.
A dry throat can be caused by shouting, yelling, or overusing the voice. Especially for those who use their voice regularly, such as singers. If you experience a dry throat after using your voice a lot, you should rest your voice until the symptoms improve. In addition, those who use their voice to sing should warm up their voices first to prevent the muscles in the throat. From becoming too tense when using their voice a lot.
2. Gargle with salt water.
A dry throat can be easily relieved by gargling with salt water. Use 1 cup of warm water mixed with 1/2 teaspoon of salt. Gargling with salt water helps remove allergens and excess mucus that accumulate in the throat. Which is the cause of a dry or irritated throat. Gargling with salt water is also a way to relieve colds and sore throats, which are another cause of dry throat.
3. Sip water throughout the day.
Sipping water throughout the day is an easy way to relieve a dry throat by hydrating your body. You should choose to sip 6-8 glasses of water per day according to your body’s needs. สมัคร ufabet You can also choose to sip warm drinks such as honey mixed with lemon or decaffeinated tea.
In this case, you should avoid drinking alcoholic beverages and caffeinated beverages. Because they will cause the body to become dehydrated and cause a drier throat.
4. Suck on candy or chew gum.
Lozenges , candy , or gum can provide temporary relief from a dry throat. These products work by increasing saliva production, which can help soothe your throat. However, look for products that contain xylitol, as it helps produce saliva. Also, look for products that are sugar-free, as sugar can increase dehydration.
5. Improve your sleeping habits
Dry throat, especially in the morning after waking up, may be caused by certain sleeping habits, such as sleeping with your mouth open, or it may be caused by sleep-related health conditions, such as snoring, teeth grinding, or sleep apnea. Therefore, improving your sleeping habits and treating these conditions to return to normal may help relieve dry throat after waking up.
In addition, sleeping with the air conditioner on will dry the air and cause a dry throat after waking up. Therefore, the air conditioner should not be turned on for too long.
6. Quit smoking.
Smoking can have many negative effects on your mouth and throat, especially by causing dehydration and leading to a dry throat. Therefore, quitting smoking may be a solution for a dry throat that many people may not think of. In addition, cigarette smoke from other people can also cause a dry throat. Therefore, you should avoid being in places with cigarette smoke or being near people who smoke.
7. Avoid allergens that may cause a dry throat.
A dry throat can also be a side effect of allergies, whether it’s an allergic reaction to the air, dust, dust mites, smoke, pollution, pollen, or pet dander. Each person’s body can react to different allergens , so it’s important to be careful and avoid things that trigger allergies that can lead to a dry throat.
8. Take some medicines that can be purchased at general drug stores.
Dry throat, which is a side effect of certain health problems, especially the common cold, allergies, and acid reflux, can be relieved by taking medications that treat the underlying condition. For example, taking paracetamol to treat cold symptoms, taking antihistamines to treat allergy symptoms, and taking antacids to treat acid reflux.
In this regard, the use of drugs sold at general drug stores should be strictly in accordance with the instructions on the label or the advice of a pharmacist. This will allow the drug to work effectively and reduce the risk of side effects that are harmful to the body.
However, if after using these methods to relieve dry throat symptoms do not improve within 1 week, you have frequent dry throat symptoms without a known cause, or other abnormal symptoms occur such as high fever, difficulty swallowing, chest pain, rapid breathing, wheezing, unusually loud snoring, unusual fatigue, or feel a lump in the throat, you should see a doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment.